Project Type
Contract work
Together with 2 founders and 1 ux designer
Primary Role
UX/UI designer
Live link
Product value
Mixing gaming experience with online meeting. Using game design strategy to boost efficiency and creativity in inline events.
Value the connection between people, make it easier to happen in Vland than physical space.
Value equality, let everybody along with every organization be able to build their own virtual space.
Value decentralization, we create the SaaS tool instead of a platform to steal users` data.

Product value
There are lots of players in the market of online cooperation SaaS. We pulled a list of those in the SaaS market and researched them. We analyzed their business model and website design.
They all have their different focus, but non of them are direct competitors to us.

We made research on how to bring a 3d experience on a 2d website and made a moodboad from our research. We need a basic interactive map to make the website an integrated experience for our users to experience the entire journey of attending virtual events, exploring, and creating.

Product High-fi prototype
I mocked up a few different perspectives of the homepage virtual space and its layout to test the different color palettes. Eventually, I decided to go with a tilted axonometric view, which is a resemble view to represent the user interface of the product interface and gives more vividness.

AB testing
181 users

Branding & UI
For the color palette, I mainly use the color from our logo. I also designed the logo.

Final UI & Mobile end
Final UI

Mobile end
Design Challenge

I handed over the high-fidelity prototype to the engineer and had several development meetings to develop the site. I made some changes in the development phase as the original design is not time-efficient for the development, or it's not doable technique-wise. By working together, we finished the site development within 1 week.LaunchAfter a few days' development cycle, our beta version launched on Nov 25, 2021.
Visit the site for a full experience now