
A virtual movie watching and creativity community for children




Background Research

Onsite Research



User Research

User empathy map



Research on VR for children


Action area


VR narration and story-telling

Tips for health and safety



User flow storyboard

User flow



Low-fi prototype in GravitySketch

Mid-fi prototye in Blender

UI and navigation


Avatar Design


Avatar customization UI



Test in Mozilla Hubs

Test Results


Final Virtual Space Design

UI or Environment?


Portal to rooms

Refining the Rooms

Final virtual space and UI

Chatting zone in virtual cinema

CinePajama is a virtual platform for children to watch movie together and others and engage in creative process inspired by that community.

Family with children need a special cinema to not to disturb other people while spark the creativity of kids by angage in activities while or after watching the movie.

VR App Design
Team: Zichang He
Nov-Dec 2019 (4 weeks)

My Roles
Background research, survey, interviews, concept design, visual design, prototyping,

Gravity Sketch, Adobe Medium, Mozilla hubs, Aframe, Blender

From there, we quickly aligned on the user needs that would dictate each environment in the experience and settled on: a virtual hall (the home environment), a film gallery, a cinema, and a playground. Defined early in the process, these spaces (or “rooms”) became the rooms in the final experience.

From there, we quickly aligned on the user needs that would dictate each environment in the experience and settled on: a virtual hall (the home environment), a fi

Based on the user-flow and prototype of key rooms, we made the middle fedelity prototype with panel UI for functional navigation. This made it easy for users to navigate the experience while maintaining a significant canvas for interactive 3D content.

The whole idea of the product is to let children watch movies even at home wearing their pajama, so we naturally put pajama look on our avatar design. We kept the avatars cartoon-ish human forms to keep things fun and playful We also use avatar height to represent age. There are also simple interactions like sitting down or waving hands that could be done by this avatar.

An interface is the set of elements that users interact with to navigate an environment and control their experience. All VR apps can be positioned along two axes according to the complexity of these two components.
While for the benefits of children, we want to replace complicated UI elements by nteractive environments.

Because of the social characteristic of the cinema room, we divided the room into 2 sections, a watching area and a chat zone.